Thursday, December 10, 2009

Belly Rings - A Sexy Fashion Statement

In recent years, piercing all the way from an object of controversy continues to mainstream fashion statement. Now, it is perhaps not quite mainstream yet, but it has certainly been very much of the general population in recent years. Celebrities and common people are seen equally often publicly displayed piercings. Pierced tongue, lips, nose, eyebrows, ears, are almost everywhere, and the trend seems to grow. But all Piercinghave seen in public these days, is the belly button ring, perhaps the one that both fashion and exudes sensuality. But it was not always so.

In ancient times, piercings were not so much fashion statement as they were for ritual or ceremonial purposes. In fact, many cultures prohibited specific types of piercing that was just in the interest of the jewelry. In ancient Central and South American cultures, warriors pierced their noses longer displayedFear and intimidation to their enemies. On the other side, where the nose piercing represent aggression, lip piercings were meant to enhance attractiveness, especially among women of that time.

Piercings were relatively common in ancient Egypt. But the Egyptian pharaohs, certain types of piercings reserved for certain people. For example, only members of the royal family could always wear belly ring under any circumstances. Should be a frequent found with apierced navel, was the prescribed punishment is death. No tolerance for fashion statement there!

To be sure, there are still some social stigma associated with piercings, but this seems to wane steadily every year. Piercing is not always a safe practice in any case more and more tattoo and piercing salons are on safe measures to ensure that the infection and minimize the side effects.

Belly rings appear most popular among young peopleand young adults. As ankle bracelets were all the fashion rage a few years ago, today many people are seen as sexy belly button rings fashion statements that are attractive essential wardrobe accessory. To turn on the TV and you can see dancers, singers, and actors wear beautiful, sensuous navel jewelry. Walk down the street in every city and you're sure to see someone sporting belly ring.

Today, there is no longer the pharaohs, which would eliminate aPerson's head, as punishment for daring to wear this seductive piece of body jewelry. The navel ring has come a long way - from the royal status symbol to a sexy fashion accessory. And how growing popularity of this jewelry, it is certainly here to stay.

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